Holy Flip - Original
Holy Flip - Original
Holy Flip - Original
Holy Flip - Original

Holy Flip - Original

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This compelling artwork, titled "Holy Flip," presents an elderly nun in the midst of performing a kickflip on a skateboard. This alone challenges the viewer's preconceived notions about age and vocation. However, it's the graphic on the bottom of the skateboard that introduces a profound depth to the piece: a young, beautiful Raquel Welch depicted in a pose reminiscent of crucifixion. This choice of imagery is not merely to shock or provoke but serves as a complex symbol of sacrifice, desire, and personal paths chosen.

The nun, embodying commitment and spiritual dedication, is juxtaposed against the iconic image of Raquel Welch, a symbol of secular beauty and sensuality. This contrast speaks volumes about the choices we make and the paths we decide to follow. "Divine Aspirations" explores the theme of internal conflict and the sacrifices made for a higher calling or duty. It suggests that the nun, despite her holy vows, once harbored dreams and desires not so different from anyone else's—perhaps even aspirations to be someone as admired and desired as Raquel Welch.

However, by featuring the nun performing a kickflip—a skillful and energetic skateboard trick—the artist conveys that choosing a path of spiritual and communal service does not negate one's personal dreams or diminish one's vibrancy. Instead, it emphasizes the layers and complexities that define a person beyond their societal roles. The crucifixion imagery on the skateboard adds a layer of symbolism, pointing to the idea of sacrifice but also rebirth and transformation.

"Divine Aspirations" is a profound commentary on identity, personal choice, and the duality of existence. It invites viewers to reflect on their own paths, sacrifices, and the multifaceted nature of their identities. Through this striking visualization, the artist celebrates the richness of human experience, suggesting that within every individual lies a tapestry of dreams, desires, and decisions that transcend their outward roles and responsibilities.


Spray Paint and Resin on Skateboards 

Dimensions: 35" X 43"

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